Retailer Spar taps AR for app aimed at kids, parents in Hungary | 3G lacking? Marketer offers alternatives for reaching out via mobile | Ryanair turns to mobile for marketing and to improve service
Web Version
25 September 2013
MMA SmartBrief - Europe, Middle East & Africa Edition
News for mobile marketing professionals

Campaigns and Case Studies
Retailer Spar taps AR for app aimed at kids, parents in Hungary
The Spar retail chain is engaging children in Hungary with an augmented-reality mobile application that allows them to produce their own miniature movies incorporating 3D animated animals. The app builds on the retailer's sticker campaign and "adds more fun to the concept to make kids remember to do it each day and asking their mum to visit Spar again," said Szabolcs Budahazy, CEO of ARworks. (20 Sep.)
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3G lacking? Marketer offers alternatives for reaching out via mobile
There are promising alternatives for marketers looking to reach consumers in Africa, where 3G isn't always available, Patrick Macgougan writes. Bulk SMS provides a quick way to get the word out for time-sensitive campaigns, and when two-way mobile communication is desired, USSD can fit the bill. (South Africa) (19 Sep.)
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Industry News
Barclays' Pingit offers public transport ticketing in Britain
U.K. consumers using Barclays' Pingit mobile payments can now pay for public transport tickets. The bank teamed up with mobile wallet Corethree for the offering. "Providing a variety of native payment solutions within the application enhances the customer experience by allowing them the same type of purchasing experience that they currently enjoy from their favorite websites and e-commerce sites," said Mac Brown, director of communications at GlobeSherpa. (24 Sep.)
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China's Huawei makes major play in Nigeria as part of global push
China's Huawei Technologies is aiming for sales of 200,000 smartphones in Nigeria this year. That would represent a doubling in the company's yearly sales in the market, a major component of Huawei's global expansion plans, Yinka Ibukun writes. Bloomberg (20 Sep.)
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Market Trends and Research
U.K. consumers top those in U.S. for sharing via mobile, research finds
U.K. consumers are ahead of their U.S. counterparts in sharing via mobile devices rather than through PCs, according to research by RadiumOne. As of May, more than half of sharing in the U.K. was done over mobile. Consumers in France are also picking up steam on mobile sharing, with more than half using the platform last month. The Drum (Glasgow, Scotland) (23 Sep.)
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Survey: Germany sees rapid rise in mobile use
About three-quarters of Germans under 30 use mobile devices, easily outpacing the 15% proportion for those over 50, according to a survey by TNA Infratest. Smartphones have 34.6% market penetration this year in Germany, the survey found, while more than 25% of the population uses tablets at least once a month. eMarketer (23 Sep.)
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