All Articles Marketing Brands & Campaigns Andy’s Answers: How Chevron is using social-media monitoring to create valuable content

Andy’s Answers: How Chevron is using social-media monitoring to create valuable content

2 min read

Brands & Campaigns

Lots of brands have annual reports and white papers they regularly push out, but few have been as successful as the Chevron Pulse Report: The State of Online Conversation About Energy Issues.

In his recent BlogWell case study presentation, Robert Raines explained how Chevron created the report using social-media monitoring data — and then used social-media tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to make it easy to share. A few of his key takeaways:

  • Look for external uses of your internal projects. Raines and his team realized their monitoring data on energy issues was valuable to more than just their company — so they turned their work into a report that thousands of key industry influencers have since downloaded.
  • Get people talking by making it easy to share. Chevron didn’t bury its report under mountains of restrictions and legalese — it simply encouraged people to post the report and to attribute the material to Chevron when doing so.
  • Use all the tools that can help your content spread. Chevron’s “Pulse Report” is a 60-page white paper — but they didn’t just post it on their corporate website. They also posted YouTube videos summarizing it, shared it on Facebook and LinkedIn, and made it available for download on Slideshare and Scribd.

Watch the video:

And if you like this presentation, be sure to check out our upcoming BlogWell in Philadelphia on Nov. 9.