In this week’s episode of “Future of Engagement,” Murray Newlands interviews Ian Karnell, president of digital-experience designer Buzzhoney, on ways the company creates Facebook content engagement for clients. Karnell discusses the importance of analyzing levels of engagement and monitoring competitors and how they used a social media monitoring tool to assist them. In this video, you can learn how to increase your Facebook page’s reach and keep content engaging.
- Buzzhoney monitored competitors’ pages to find out what drove engagement with the use of social media monitoring. It’s an advantage to check out pages of others in your field. You can find out what works and what doesn’t for engaging users. Look at the number of comments and “likes.” Once you know what is appealing to customers, you can decide what to post on your page. This way, your content will be what people want and respond to.
- There are many ways you can keep users engaged on your page. One way is to have a call to action. Content posts that have calls to action tend to engage users more than fan pages. Calls to action can state, “Click here” for a coupon or link to a related website. They can also say, “Suggest us to a friend,” to engage beyond page visitors. This can assist in expanding your network and reaching more fans. Having an engaging feature such as a call to action can increase your fan page’s popularity.
- Measuring the level of people’s engagement with content can benefit how you use social media. Karnell and his team used a social media monitoring tool called InfiniGraph, which assisted them in finding the most engaging posts that their audience liked. You spend less time going through each competitor’s page and analyzing it by having a program that collects information for you. Once users are on your page, keep them engaged and coming back for more. Investing in tool such as InfiniGraph or Alerti can give you solid results on social data that you can use to your advantage. You can take a lead on competitors and get more responses on your social sites. Watch the video below and get insightful tips from the way Karnell and Buzzhoney handled a client’s request.
Read a free white paper to get information on social media monitoring.