October 24, 2022
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4 requisites for metaverse success
Brands venturing into the metaverse first need to establish clear expectations and goals, including a relatable experience that aligns with the brand's values and messaging, writes Sofia Papadopoulou, creative director at UNIT9's metaverse advisory department. Use creative license to develop "inconceivable and magical worlds," stimulate users' senses and enable "story-living" through efforts such as customizable avatars, writes Papadopoulou.
Full Story: ClickZ (10/21) 
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Marketing Trends
Unified ad platforms and a focus on storytelling are among the key features of digital audio, said executives at Audacy and iHeartMedia's Digital Audio Group. They also discussed how podcasts can help listeners discover local radio stations and how the pandemic has emphasized the opportunity for multiple audio touch points in consumers' lives.
Full Story: Inside Radio (free content) (10/21) 
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The DDA Group, Movers+Shakers, Socialty Pro and other agencies are launching dedicated TikTok teams to serve brands clamoring for original platform content and prioritizing it for its expanding and youthful user base. M&C Saatchi's Jennifer Sudo says creators who are especially adept at the platform "know how to speak the [TikTok] language and because they each have their own unique way of promoting a product or service, it allows us to test many different types of content quickly."
Full Story: Digiday (tiered subscription model) (10/24) 
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Mobile Focus
Global mobile consumer app downloads were up 8% year-over-year for the third quarter, marking a quarterly high of 38.7 billion while app spending decreased 5% to $32.4 billion, data.ai reports. The research firm found consumers increased their Q3 app spending the most, compared to 2021 Q3, in entertainment, productivity and books and reference apps.
Full Story: MediaPost Communications (free registration) (10/20) 
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Company Watch
Instagram is giving more individuals access to its Creator Marketplace and plans to roll out media kit upload functionality soon. On the brand side, the platform is enabling simultaneous messages to multiple creators, instantly-reviewable fixed offers and unique codes for posting creator content in ad format.
Full Story: Adweek (10/21) 
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Meta's Performance 5 framework, designed to help small and midsize companies improve platform performance, includes using Conversions API, simplified ad sets, broad targeting, mobile-friendly video and ad testing. Marketers can learn more about the five tactics via a new online hub.
Full Story: Adweek (10/21) 
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Brands & Campaigns
Grey Poupon plays on Wilde, Sudeikis viral drama
Zeno Group was quick to maximize social buzz surrounding Grey Poupon's role in an alleged fight between Olivia Wilde and her ex Jason Sudeikis with the release of 100 special edition "Don't Worry Dijon" jars of the brand's mustard. The jars feature the salad dressing recipe that sparked the argument between the couple, and fans can follow Grey Poupon on Instagram and Twitter for the chance to win one.
Full Story: Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (10/21),  The Drum (free registration) (10/21) 
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How Tostitos boosted brand recall with its audio logo
(Kevin Schafer/Getty Images)
Frito-Lay's Tostitos brand partnered with sonic branding agency Made Music Studio to develop a memorable 1.5-second audio logo that resembles the sound of a dip jar popping open, a reflection of research that found that shoppers often select a dip before buying chips to go with it, said Hana Golden, marketing director for Tostitos. The sound has supported a 38% increase in brand recall, according to Korri Kolesa, chief revenue officer of audio intelligence firm Veritonic.
Full Story: Marketing Dive (10/20) 
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Policy & Research
GfK analysis of consumer responses to 20 purpose-driven ads found generational differences in affinity to messaging from leading brands and further analysis conducted with Thomas Kolster and Goodvertising Agency found transformational purpose ads that highlight actions consumers can take to make a change elicited the highest response from Generation Z. Colgate, FedEx, H&M, Pepsi, Tom's and Soda Stream resonated most with all generations.
Full Story: MediaPost Communications (free registration) (10/20) 
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IAB News
This in-person Brand Academy, sponsored by Silverbullet, will examine why contextual advertising is being scouted as an effective and easy-to-implement solution for advertisers looking to step into the privacy-first era. Experts, Umberto Torrielli, chief strategy officer at 4D, and Billy Port, vice president of Revenue at 4D, will take you on a journey to explore the evolution of contextual advertising and where it is today.
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A free virtual briefing by Loeb & Loeb attorneys Robyn Mohr and Jessica Lee, as well as IAB Executive Vice President of Public Policy Lartease Tiffith, on what to expect from the Federal Trade Commission and how to prepare.
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