Bob Eichinger
Bob Eichinger, Ph.D. is a co-founder of TalentTelligent. He was the co-founder and CEO of Lominger International. He brings more than five decades of experience working, writing, developing talent management products, teaching, consulting, coaching and building communities of practice. Prior to Lominger, Eichinger led employment, affirmative action, training, and management and executive development at Pillsbury. At PepsiCo (N.Y.) he oversaw international executive development.
Eichinger has written over 50 books, articles, software products and other IP around the topic of talent management and succession planning. He is the co-creator of the concept of learning agility and the 9-Box. He co-created 70/20/10 development strategies and assignmentology and co-authored "FYI: For Your Improvement."