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ISPE SmartBrief

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Navigate With NAR Powered by REALTOR® Magazine – Monthly

Monthly news and views for real estate professionals.

Monthly Infrastructure


Pediatrics Today SmartBrief

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SmartBrief on IT Privacy

Advancing the best guidance and learning in privacy, written for IT privacy professionals and leaders.

2x/week Enterprise IT


Restaurant Innovation SmartBrief

Innovative tech news, industry star spotlights, and more in a weekly brief tailored for restaurant Industry professionals, from The National Restaurant Association.

Weekly Consumer ElectronicsConsumer Packaged GoodsFood & BeverageTech


Shopping Center SmartBrief

A twice-weekly breakdown of the most important news and stories affecting the shopping center and retail real estate industry.

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SIFMA SmartBrief: Operations and Technology Edition

Top finance and tech news for the the operations and technology community, delivered weekly.

Weekly FinanceFinancial Markets


SNA SmartBrief

A daily school nutrition brief designed specifically for school foodservice professionals.

Daily Food & BeverageFoodservice


SNMMI SmartBrief

A daily insiders’ guide designed for nuclear medicine and molecular imaging professionals.

Daily Health CareNews for Providers


SmartBrief on Special Education

A thrice-weekly brief designed specifically for special education professionals.

3x/week EducationK-12


WFF SmartBrief

News and updates in food services written for women leaders in the food service industry, delivered weekly.

Weekly BusinessFood & BeverageFoodserviceLeadership


SmartBrief on Workforce

The top stories in recruitment and retention, leadership and development and compensation written for HR professionals and executives.

Daily BusinessHR & Career
