All Articles Education Year in review: Our 10 most-tweeted education posts

Year in review: Our 10 most-tweeted education posts

3 min read


SmartBlog on Education has explored a wide range of topics since its launch in June — the standardized testing debate, technology innovation, professional development for teachers and much more.

We are privileged to work with great writers who bring you reliable, educator-focused content. We also are thankful for our readers who regularly read our blogs, share their thoughts and pass along posts they value to other professionals.

Here’s a look at our ten most-tweeted education posts of 2012.

1. Are kids really motivated by technology?

As a guy who delivers two-day #edtech workshops during my breaks from full-time classroom teaching, I’m often asked the same questions again and again: How can teachers use technology to motivate students? What digital tools do kids like best? (read more…)

2. What is a 21st-century teacher?

People toss around terms in education and attach the words “21st century” to appear cutting edge or on the front end of trending ideas. (read more…)

3. 3 tips for teachers new to Twitter

A colleague who knows that Twitter is my favorite social space stuck her head in my room the other day with a complaint. “Bill, Twitter’s not working for me. No one ever replies to any of my questions. What’s the point of posting if no one is ever listening?” (read more…)

4. Homework: It fails our students and undermines American education

Students often ask me why I don’t assign homework. “I don’t believe in it,” I quickly respond. “It doesn’t tell me what you’re learning.” (read more…)

5. Using technology in the classroom the right way

One of the things that I see happen far too often is people stressing over how they are going to create lessons around the new piece of technology they have in their classroom. (read more…)

6. Flipped classrooms: Let’s change the discussion

Since Sal Khan’s 2011 TED Talk, the Khan Academy has been nearly synonymous with “flipped classrooms.” (read more…)

7. Snapshot of a modern learner

Santos is not an enigma, but he is misunderstood. Santos sends approximately 125 texts per day. (read more…)

8. What is an ed-tech leader?

This question has been bouncing around my brain since I left the International Society for Technology in Education conference. When people say that I’m an ed-tech leader, I am always shocked. (read more…)

9.  De-grade your classroom and instead use narrative feedback

Years ago, I stopped grading my students. This is shocking to most educators who wonder how assessment can be done without numbers and letters. (read more…)

10. 5 simple ways to be a better teacher tomorrow

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world — often mirrored in our schools — it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder if you’re making a difference. All teachers want to be better, don’t they? (read more…)

Sarah Wade is a writer at SmartBrief. A recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she writes for food, retail and hospitality briefs and contributes to several SmartBlogs.