All Articles Education Voice of the Educator ICYMI: Most read by educators

ICYMI: Most read by educators

What’s trending? From growth mindset to science fairs, don’t miss these most-read stories.

2 min read

Voice of the Educator



Praising effort alone may limit growth mindset, according to a study published in the journal Child Development. Report co-author Jaime Amemiya suggests focusing praise on process, which includes both effort and strategies.
Test score stagnation under the Common Core State Standards is not due to technical problems with the exam, according to an analysis by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The consortium started a review of the exams following a year of flat scores during the 2016-17 academic year.
Some school districts have adopted four-day weeks to help address funding gaps and issues unique to rural communities. Research on the model’s benefits for students is limited, but some data show that attendance rates improve under a four-day model.
Full Story: Newsweek
Find your people and view challenges as opportunities are two leadership and learning lessons education leader Fred Ende says he picked up during ASCD Empower18: The Conference for Every Educator, which recently took place in Boston. In this blog post, Ende offers more leadership and learning lessons from the event.
Some schools are reimagining the traditional science fair to help support equity and fairness. Efforts include removing the element of competition, making science-fair projects in-class assignments instead and prioritizing project-management skills.

Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.


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