All Articles Education 5 ways educators can spice up their LinkedIn profiles

5 ways educators can spice up their LinkedIn profiles

2 min read


LinkedIn is the 21st-century resume. As such, part of supporting college and career readiness includes having an updated online image. It is important for educators to have a strong LinkedIn profile not only as a model for their students, but also for families who want to find out a little more about their child’s teacher. Bonus points if your school website lists links to teacher profiles.

Just like with paper, you want your online professional profile to stand out and accurately represent your image. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Add pizazz to your summary. This is your opportunity to connect. Be fun. Be playful. Be professional. Draw readers in so they want to learn more.

2. Use your name to connect with tweeps. If you’re a Twitter user, you may want to consider editing your name and putting your Twitter handle as your former name. That’s just another place people can then be directed to learn more about you. It would look something like this: Lisa (@InnovativeEdu) Nielsen

3. Have a tantalizing title. Don’t just post your title. Share a little more.  Here’s what my title says: Director Digital Literacy & Citizenship, NYC DOE: Passionate about real and relevant learning.

4. Publications aren’t just from publishers. Have you published something? Awesome! LinkedIn gives you a way to share that. Think wide. This doesn’t have to be with a book publisher or magazine. Maybe it is your class newsletter or your class constitution.

5. Checked out your LinkedIn Map. Knowing the power of your network is easier with the LinkedIn Maps. To get started, just go to, log in with your LinkedIn credentials, and follow the steps. With your InMap, you can visually understand how to better leverage your professional network to help pass along job opportunities, seek professional advice or gather insights.

So, what do you think? Do you have some more ideas about how innovative educators can spice up their Linkedin profile? Are there some ideas here you find helpful? If so, what are they and how do you envision using them?

Lisa Nielsen (@InnovativeEdu) has worked as a public-school educator and administrator since 1997 and is the author of “Teaching Generation Text: Using Cell Phones to Enhance Learning” and The Innovative Educator blog.