SmartPulse — our weekly nonscientific reader poll in SmartBrief on Small Business — tracks feedback from small-business owners. We run the poll question each Thursday in our e-newsletter.
Last week, we asked: Are you ready to start investing in your business again?
- Yes — 39.76%
- No — I’m still struggling to keep above water — 39.76%
- No, but I think I will be soon — 20.48%
Every business needs to make regular investments back into itself in order to grow. Whether those investments are in the form of equipment, personnel or any of the other things a business needs to thrive, they help the organization remain competitive. Each investment should be carefully researched to ensure the appropriate resources are allocated toward its implementation.
The other success strategy to investing back into the business is establishing priorities. It can be very tempting to shift resources away from investment projects to other things. Especially if revenue projections are not on target. Staying committed to making investments into the company might be challenging in the short-term but pay off big time in the long-term.
Sharlyn Lauby is the HR Bartender and president of ITM Group.