All Articles Leadership Inspiration How to build passion in your employees

How to build passion in your employees

How your team members feel about their jobs, their leaders, their company and their customers drives their behaviors.

2 min read



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People with passion drive performance! That was and is Joel’s mantra.

Joel was a senior executive with a major retailer when he asked me to come help him with a culture refinement in his division. Joel was preaching his mantra consistently but store leadership weren’t fully embracing a “people-first” focus.

I helped Joel and these leaders learn the benefits of passionate team members and — more importantly — how to create a work environment that boosts passion instead of eroding it!

How your team members feel about their jobs, their leaders, their company and their customers drives their behaviors. If people feel valued and appreciated, they invest discretionary energy in serving customers, peers, and company exceptionally well. If they don’t feel valued and appreciated, they won’t invest a thought, much less an action.

Watch my short video segment, part of my Culture Leadership Charge video series, to learn how to build passion in employee, consistently.

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