All Articles Leadership How do you view your need for skill development?

How do you view your need for skill development?

SmartPulse -- our weekly nonscientific reader poll in SmartBrief on Leadership -- tracks feedback from more than 210,000 business leaders. How do you view your need for skill development?

2 min read



SmartPulse — our weekly nonscientific reader poll in SmartBrief on Leadership — tracks feedback from more than 210,000 business leaders. We run the poll question each week in our e-newsletter.

How do you view your need for skill development?

  • I’m good to go and don’t need to spend time on my development: 5%
  • I have a couple of focused areas I need to develop: 76%
  • I have several areas in need of a lot of development: 15%
  • I have a huge need for development across many areas: 5%

You don’t grow without investment. The vast majority of you state you’ve got at least one or two focused development needs. The question is what are you doing to grow in those areas? The only way you develop rapidly is through focused efforts. Don’t make the biggest mistake leaders make with respect to their development: they don’t focus their investment. Choose some specific areas to invest in. Lay out a plan to grow. Whether it’s on-the-job training, conferences, books, or training classes, you need to be deliberate about how you’re going to build those missing skills.

Mike Figliuolo is managing director of thoughtLEADERS and the host of the upcoming Executive Insight 16 — a leadership conference being held in New York this November.