I love HRevolution, which is in Atlanta this year, because it’s designed to encourage conversation among the human resources professionals, recruiters and business leaders who attend — definitely not your usual lecture-style conference.
Even if you aren’t attending the sold-out event, you still have a chance to participate in that conversation. Charlie Judy (global director of HR strategy and operations for Navigant and the blogger behind HR FishBowl) and I will be hosting an “HR Slam” in which we will present a case study of a real-life HR problem. Then we’ll divide up session participants into teams to come up with solutions in one hour. Teams will present their proposed solutions, and Charlie and I will pick the best idea. SmartBrief has prizes for members of the winning team.
Or as Charlie described it in our interview on the HRevolution site:
And by “problem,” Mary means it could be something technical, environmental, internal, external…it could be programmatic, or it could be philosophical. Maybe it’s about HR, maybe it’s not. But the idea is that the problem is dynamic enough – sticky enough – that only the collective thinking of a lot of really thoughtful, experienced, and innovative HR pros could sufficiently address it. It’s a working session meant to produce tangible takeaways. And by the way, all conference participants will have the chance to submit a problem/challenge for consideration prior to the conference … even if you don’t plan on participating in the track.
If you’d like to be the “case study” for the group to brainstorm solutions to your problems, e-mail me (meslayter@smartbrief.com) with the following information:
- Your name, company and title
- A three-five sentence description of your HR problem
- One sentence explaining why your problem would make the best case study for our group to tackle
If we pick your problem for the session, you’ll win a $50 gift certificate from Amazon and a list of great ideas.