All Articles Education Voice of the Educator ICYMI: Most read by educators

ICYMI: Most read by educators

What’s trending? From implicit bias to “Be Best,” don’t miss these most-read stories.

2 min read

Voice of the Educator



Schools adopt growth-mindset practices

Teaching and learning with a growth mindset can help level the playing field for students, says Superintendent Adam Young. Young — and others — are taking steps, such as using positive language, to help promote growth mindsets in schools.

What some educators consider “neutral practices” may contribute to unintended bias, asserts Deborah Loewenberg Ball, an expert in elementary math instruction and a professor of education. She calls for addressing “micro moments,” during which implicit biases can creep into the classroom.

First lady launches “Be Best” child well-being campaign

Melania Trump has begun a “Be Best” initiative to educate children on emotional, physical and social well-being, combating opioid abuse and the positive use of social media. “I feel strongly that as adults we can and should be best at educating our children about the importance of a healthy and balanced life,” she said.

Can reverse planning boost achievement?

Reverse planning — planning with the end goal in mind and working backward from there — may help boost performance on complex assignments, according to a study by researchers at the University of Iowa. The researchers say the findings could benefit high-school and college students.

10 states adopt dashboards under ESSA

States are taking varied approaches to grading schools under the Every Student Succeeds Act. This blog post focuses on how 10 states plan to use accountability “dashboards,” including California, which has a color-coded dashboard.

Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.


This “most read” feature reflects the most read items in ASCD SmartBrief from the previous week. Sign up for ASCD SmartBrief to get news like this in your inbox, or check out all of SmartBrief’s education newsletters, covering career and technical education, educational leadership, math education and more.