How a superintendent turned around a district
Paymon Rouhanifard, superintendent of schools in Camden, N.J., who led the district’s ambitious turnaround efforts, is stepping down. This article highlights how his pragmatic leadership style helped improve academic performance and graduation rates in a district that was among the state’s most troubled.
Tips to help all schools adopt SEL programs
There is no “silver bullet” to helping students succeed, but an effective social and emotional learning program can be useful, asserts Maria Shea-Michiels, an elementary-school psychologist. In this blog post, she shares several tips to help school leaders adopt SEL programs at their own schools, including by focusing on professional development and using an SEL-friendly curriculum.
Teachers at the International Society for Technology in Education’s annual conference shared ideas to help install makerspaces in schools that have limited resources. Robert Pronovost, a science, technology, engineering and math coordinator in East Palo Alto, Calif., says he worked with students from the beginning to get their input and engage them in activities.
Is personalized learning the key to education?
More education leaders are recognizing personalized learning as a best practice because it allows students to take greater control over their own learning. Many schools across the country have adopted the approach, but there has not been much research about its effectiveness.
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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