All Articles Education Voice of the Educator ICYMI: Most read by educators

ICYMI: Most read by educators

What’s trending? From Blue Ribbons to unexcused absences, don’t miss these most-read stories.

3 min read

Voice of the Educator



Tips for handling students with ODD

About 16% of children have oppositional defiant disorder — a condition in which they deliberately and openly defy rules or upset others — writes Nina Parrish, a special-education teacher. In this blog post, she suggests that teachers can help manage students with ODD by remaining calm and rewarding positive behavior.

Full Story: Edutopia online

6 tips for teaching students how to research

Students should be taught to conduct research at an early age, asserts Angie Jameson, a library media specialist and former English teacher in Ohio. In this commentary, she shares six strategies she has used to help teach research, including allowing students to work in small groups and integrating research across the curriculum.

Full Story: eSchool News

Unexcused absences signal lower achievement

One unexcused absence can take a greater toll on students’ academic achievement than 18 excused absences, writes Eric Grodsky, co-director of the Madison Education Partnership and a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His team studied the links between absences and academic outcomes among kindergarten through third-grade students and found that unexcused absences are a “signal” of other socioeconomic challenges.

Full Story: Education Week (tiered subscription model)

DeVos urges schools to “do better”

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said schools need to “do better” and try new approaches during a speech in Huntsville, Ala., as a part of her four-state “Rethink School” tour. DeVos said educators have too little autonomy and flexibility, and that top teachers should command salaries of as much as $250,000.

Full Story: Education Week (tiered subscription model)WAFF-TV (Huntsville, Ala.)The Birmingham News (Ala.)

349 schools get the Blue Ribbon

The US Department of Education named 349 schools as Blue Ribbon schools on Monday — a recognition earned by the highest-performing schools in the country or those that are making significant gains in closing their achievement gaps. One Maryland school that earned the distinction had a 79% pass rate on standardized tests in English and math — almost twice the statewide average.

Full Story: The Hartford Courant (Conn.)Las Vegas Review-Journal (tiered subscription model)The Baltimore Sun

Audrey Altmann is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.


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