Mississippi, with one of the newest public prekindergarten programs, topped a report by the National Institute for Early Education Research as one of five states meeting all 10 of NIEER’s quality standards. Benchmarks include preschool-teacher education, class size and learning standards.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos this week addressed various topics during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on President Donald Trump’s proposed education budget. Topics include approval of states’ Every Student Succeeds Act plans, federal funding and discrimination in schools.
Teacher stress may contribute to negative student outcomes, according to some research. Studies on the topic highlighted during a recent conference focused on classroom management and the role principals play in managing stress.
Lawmakers in 12 states are considering legislation that would expand the amount of time students spend in school. Proposals include mandatory kindergarten and raising the legal dropout age.
It is common for students to put forth the least amount of effort possible to achieve a goal in the classroom, editor Todd Finley writes. In this blog post, he shares tips to help students realize their full potential with high-intensity in-class activities.
Melissa Greenwood is the director of education content at SmartBrief.
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