Proposed budget cuts Education Dept. by $3.6B
President Donald Trump’s proposed federal budget cuts about $3.6 billion from the US Department of Education’s budget. The proposal would eliminate, among other things, funding for some after-school and teacher-training programs.
N.M. district promotes attendance with 3-part plan
School leaders in Albuquerque Public Schools in New Mexico are working to address absenteeism through Mission: Graduate, an initiative of the United Way of Central New Mexico. The approach includes a three-part strategy to support all students.
What does it look like when students lose focus?
Researchers are working to pinpoint when students’ minds wander as they use software programs. A study of students’ eye movements found that they may “zone out” 20% to 25% of the time when using such programs.
DACA proposals fail in Senate. What’s next?
The US Senate has voted down four immigration proposals that included measures related to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The program originally was set to end March 5, but two federal courts have blocked such action. The Supreme Court is expected today in a closed-door meeting to consider taking up one of the lower court’s opinions.
One quick tip for building community, confidence
Students who have a voice at the beginning of class may be more likely to participate later on, learning specialist Brooke MacKenzie shares. In this blog post, she writes about her “one quick thing” method to help build classroom community and student confidence.
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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