Which behaviors add to a positive school culture?
In this commentary, author Tom Hierck and Kent Peterson, professor emeritus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, share their “positive school culture inventory.” The inventory offers 19 student and staff behaviors that can add to a positive culture.
What do students think about Common Core?
Students participating in a survey about the Common Core State Standards reveal some of its pros and cons. Some students reported not liking an emphasis on group work that they perceived as being connected to the Common Core.
Schools work to jump-start early literacy
Opportunity gaps can contribute to reading gaps for young learners, says Nell Duke, professor of literacy, language and culture at the University of Michigan. Some schools, including ones in Georgia, Minnesota and New York, are designing programs to help expand access to early literacy.
Superintendents share insights about teacher strikes
Teacher walkouts in Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Oklahoma and West Virginia meant school leaders had to be ready to communicate with parents, community members and other stakeholders about school closings and other issues. Superintendents share how they navigated some of the logistical issues, including rescheduling assessments and making up missed days.
Tips to help lessen math anxiety
About half of elementary students experience math anxiety, and it can surface as early as kindergarten, asserts instructional coach Gina Picha. In this blog post, she shares signs of math anxiety as well as strategies for identifying and alleviating it.
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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