Officials in some school districts in Kentucky and Tennessee that are in the path of Monday’s eclipse have closed schools because of concerns about student safety. Some Florida schools also plan to change schedules for outdoor activities, including recess, during the eclipse.
Full Story: U.S. News & World Report
US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in an interview said her goal is to end “top-down mandated approaches” to education. “We have seen decades of top-down mandated approaches that protect a system at the expense of individual students,” she said. “I am for individual students. I want each of them to have an opportunity to go to a school that works for them.”
Full Story: The Associated Press
Students’ emotional needs need to be met as part of a personalized-learning approach, asserts Courtney Egelston, co-founder and assistant principal at a school in Dallas. She discusses the model and how restorative practices can help support that effort.
Full Story: EdSurge
It’s that time again — time to think about that very first day of school and how you greet your class on day one. How will you begin to create an environment for risk and creativity? Will your students be greeted by rules and “thou shalt nots,” or by questions that set the stage for thinking and risking? Here are six questions you should think about asking on day one.
Full Story:
Technology and more information about the neuroscience of learning are helping to reshape student interventions. Educators in this article share four new student intervention strategies, such as using pre-interventions and rethinking behavior.
Full Story: District Administration magazine online
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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