All Articles Education Voice of the Educator ICYMI: Most read by educators

ICYMI: Most read by educators

What’s trending? From class rules to restorative justice, don’t miss these most-read stories.

2 min read

Voice of the Educator



N.H. district shifts to competency-based report card

Some students in a New Hampshire school district this year will receive report cards that replace letter grades with information about student progress on specific skills. School officials say they are introducing the change slowly to help everyone adjust to the competency-based model.

Full Story: Concord Monitor (N.H.) (tiered subscription model)

Tips to help bus drivers support students

School transportation professionals can help create a safe — and supportive — environment for students, asserts Lori Desautels, an assistant professor in the College of Education at Butler University. In this blog post, she offers six tips to assist bus drivers in creating such an environment. Edutopia online

Why one teacher reconsidered classroom rules

Teacher David Tow abolished traditional rules, replacing them with four guiding principles for classroom conduct. In this blog post, he describes how the approach worked for students.

Full Story:  Edutopia online

5 ways to support restorative justice

School districts, including those in San Francisco, Houston and Denver, have replaced punitive disciplinary practices with restorative justice. In this blog post, behavior specialist Ryan Wheeler offers five steps for using restorative practices.

Full Story: Edutopia online

What does next-generation science look like?

Eighteen states and Washington, D.C., have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards. High-school science teacher Vielca Anglin says the standards’ focus on hands-on learning helps make lessons more “dynamic and active.”

Full Story: The Hechinger Report

Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.


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