Some estimates indicate that between 5% and 20% of students may have dyslexia. Experts such as Sally Shaywitz of the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity say early interventions are key to getting students the support they need.
Full Story: District Administration magazine online
The US Department of Education is expected this winter to release an application for the “innovative assessment pilot,” which will allow seven states to test alternatives to standardized exams in some districts. The pilot also involves commitments from participating states to develop new statewide assessments.
Full Story: The Hechinger Report
Leaders in three school districts share best practices for increasing workforce diversity in schools. One district developed a workforce-development team to recruit and retain teachers of color, and another works to streamline hiring of such candidates.
Full Story: District Administration magazine online
Educators in some schools are adopting nontraditional grading practices. Officials in a Kentucky school district use new grading practices, such as no longer giving zeros, using a rubric system for grading, and providing separate grades for behavior and achievement.
Full Story: District Administration magazine online
Research shows that young students’ math skills correlate with later success in this subject as well as reading. Stanford University professor Deborah Stipek contends that while early learning often focuses on reading, more attention should be given to building math skills.
Full Story: Quartz
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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