Why do benefits of preschool fade over time?
Some research shows that the benefits of preschool fade over time, with little measurable difference by third grade between students who attended such programs and those who did not. Two recent studies seek to better understand the trend.
School administrators who continue to teach in the classroom help create a connected culture, writes middle-school teacher and consultant Heather Wolpert-Gawron. In this blog post, she highlights examples and shares its benefits and challenges.
What works for student tutoring?
Paraprofessionals may be more effective tutors than volunteers, according to an analysis by researchers at the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University. Data show students working with such professionals had higher gains in reading.
Random acts of kindness have increased 92% at a New Jersey middle school since it adopted a positive-behavior program. The Hero program embeds rewards into the school culture, and students earn points for good behavior, such as being on time.
How to involve more students in class discussions
Bringing more students — including those who may be reluctant — into class discussions can help develop their communication and thinking skills, asserts educator Jori Krulder. In this blog post, she offers several tips for opening up classroom discussions to all students.
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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