What happens when schools stop giving grades?
Students in a Connecticut school district no longer earn traditional grades. Instead, report cards reflect students’ mastery of specific skills under a mastery-based learning program, which data show has helped boost students’ standardized test scores.
Educators shake up traditional-learning model
Two teachers at a California school worked together to launch the Next Evolution of Work-based Learning core program. The model uses an interdisciplinary instructional approach and seeks to foster student-led learning.
Students rank their life satisfaction
On average, 15-year-old students in the US who participated in a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development rated their level of life satisfaction a 7.4 out of 10. Students in some other countries reported higher levels of satisfaction.
Teachers reveal top teaching tools
In this blog post, teachers reveal their five teaching essentials. Journalism teacher Starr Sackstein says Twitter is one of her must-have tools, and teacher Melissa Eckler says her essentials include sticky notes of “all sizes and colors.”
3 US senators seek review of voucher programs
US Democratic Sens. Patty Murray, Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden last week wrote a letter to the Government Accountability Office asking for a review of tax-credit voucher programs. At issue, they write in the letter, is whether the programs lead to the mismanagement of public funds.
Melissa Greenwood is the director of education content at SmartBrief.
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