Google estimates that 15 million primary- and secondary-school students use Google Classroom. This feature highlights the company’s journey into classrooms and how educators in the nation’s third-largest school district use Google products.
Education as a service industry should take a cue from the private sector and invest in creating a positive customer experience and culture, asserts Superintendent John Marschhausen. In this commentary, he offers ideas for getting started.
College eligibility may not equal “college readiness,” asserts Nick Ehrmann, founder and CEO of an education nonprofit. In this commentary, he reflects on one of his former student’s journey to college and the potential challenges presented by free tuition programs.
To help students reduce their feelings of anxiousness about timed math tests, some teachers are trying new instructional methods, education researcher Youki Terada writes in this blog post. Methods include “gamifying” lessons through activities, such as “Mad Math Minute.”
Melissa Greenwood is the director of education content at SmartBrief.
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