The age when students start school could affect their academic performance through college, according to a study released by the National Bureau of Economic Affairs. Researchers found that older students had about a 40-point edge on the SAT and were more likely to enroll in college.
Data showing that boys in a Florida school district lag behind girls in reading prompted principals to create a tool to help close the gap. School leaders have developed the “gender equity self-reflection” rubric to highlight the needs of male students.
More schools are prioritizing social and emotional learning, creating a need for determining how to assess such skills, asserts Lindsay Read of the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. CASEL’s Measuring SEL design challenge seeks to identify assessment options.
School principals who focus on cultivating resilience in teachers can help them thrive, asserts transformational leadership coach Elena Aguilar. In this blog post, she offers five ways principals can promote resilience.
When the state labeled their Texas school “improvement required,” school leaders Sarah Pedrotti and Jessica Torres decided to play a main role in telling the school’s whole story. In this article, they share how they use social media and other tools to celebrate teachers and students.
Melissa Greenwood is the director of education content at SmartBrief.
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