Students in some schools have stopped using their lockers — and many schools are removing them altogether. Lockers, in some cases, no longer are necessary because some students prefer to keep their books in their backpacks and some schools have replaced traditional textbooks with digital resources.
Opinion: Do school schedules support learning?
School leaders should consider changing the traditional course schedule that includes 45-minute class periods, asserts Lee Fleming, principal of Bonsall High School in California. In this commentary, Fleming writes about how some school leaders are trying to redesign schedules to better support student learning.
How is tech changing the role of the teacher?
Technology is helping support teachers in the classroom — not replacing them — educators said at the recent NY EdTech Week global innovation festival. Chris Rush, co-founder and chief program officer at the nonprofit New Classrooms, suggested that technology could be used for grading, which would allow teachers to spend more time with students.
President Donald Trump has announced a plan to expand the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and include a path to citizenship for those enrolled in the program. Some, however, say the plan has too many strings attached.
5 ways to make student feedback more meaningful
Teachers can take a play from coaches’ playbooks and provide “vital, quality feedback” to students, writes Frank Ward, middle-school language arts teacher. In this blog post, he offers five suggestions to help ensure feedback is effective.
Teresa Donnellan is an editorial assistant at SmartBrief.
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