All Articles Education Edtech K-12 educators want a mature LMS

K-12 educators want a mature LMS

3 min read



Help us lead the discussion on overhauling the learning management system. Please vote to have our session “LMS: Extreme Makeover” added to the official programming agenda at SXSWedu 2016. Deadline is September 4.


The use of learning management systems (LMS) is growing rapidly in K-12. In a recent interview with District Administration magazine, ItsLearning Chief Strategy Officer Mike Comer estimates that more than half the classrooms in the United States “have LMS functionality.” With this in mind, we decided to check in with SmartBrief on EdTech readers to get their feedback on their schools’ learning management systems.

According to our poll, 44% of readers are “satisfied” with their school or district’s learning platform. Another 38%, however, stated that they are dissatisfied with their current system. Only 19% indicated that they are “very satisfied” with their platform.

Roughly a third of readers’ schools or districts are in the process of transitioning to a new LMS. Another 19% will implement a new system within the next 12-24 months.

Readers want robust systems. When asked about their LMS wish list, 48% of respondents indicated that they want an easy-to-access platform with intuitive design that integrates with other school systems and supports collaboration and personalized instruction.

Here’s a quick look at the full results:

How satisfied are you with your current learning management system?

  • Very satisfied: 19%
  • Satisfied: 44%
  • Dissatisfied: 38%

When do you anticipate your school/district will replace its current learning management system?

  • We’re in the process of transitioning now: 29%
  • In the next 12-24 months: 19%
  • In the next 3-4 years: 14%
  • No plans to change: 38%

What’s on your LMS wish list? What features are most important to you?

  • Easy-to-use interface that functions like my social networks. 8%
  • Interoperability and integration with other tools and systems, plus support for the trading of content, learning analytics. 8%
  • Personalization functions and support for adaptive learning tools. 4%
  • Analytics that can truly inform assessment and advisement. 4%
  • Collaboration between multiple users, at various levels, in different digital environments, both public and private. 4%
  • Accessibility and design that ensures all students and teachers can access content and tools. 23%
  • I want it all! 48%

Where is your school on this LMS spectrum? We want to know! Recent trends in education indicate that the K-12 LMS continues to evolve and SmartBrief aims to help lead this conversation. We are teaming up with the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) and C. Blohm & Associates for a session to discuss that idea at the 2016 SXSWedu conference called “LMS: Extreme Makeover.” But first, we need your help to get there. Please vote now to have this session added to the official SXSWedu 2016 program. Every vote counts and we would appreciate yours!

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