All Articles Leadership Live from G2E: Michael Leven, president and COO of Las Vegas Sands

Live from G2E: Michael Leven, president and COO of Las Vegas Sands

1 min read


This post was written by SmartBrief’s Doris Nhan.

Liz DeHoff, editor for AGA SmartBrief, reported live from the 10th annual Global Gaming Expo this week in Las Vegas, where she spoke with Michael Leven, president and COO of Las Vegas Sands. Leven spoke about what it takes to be an effective leader while operating a successful hotel, casino and convention business, as well as how his company was able to expand internationally.

Among Leven’s key points:

  • Leadership is a combination of responsibility for others and making decisions. It’s about encouraging your team and helping them grow and develop.
  • Casino ventures in Asia are successful because gaming is already a popular pastime in Asian culture. It’s also a representation of Asia’s growing economy and middle class and the resulting wealth that has emerged.
  • For a successful convention business, companies need to have the right facilities to host them, which requires an investment of time and money. For smaller facilities, an active and well-trained sales team is a must.
