The California HR Conference, produced by Professionals in Human Resources Association (PIHRA), gets underway August 29 in Long Beach, California and SmartBrief will be on the ground, covering the event. We chatted with PIHRA Executive Director Rafael Rivera to get a sneak peek at what’s on the docket for #CAHR16.
What interesting conversations or keynote speakers can we look forward to hearing?
We broadened our range of keynote speakers. We have Pat Wadors, senior vice president of global talent at LinkedIn, opening the event Monday. She adds tremendous value to the conference. And then Tuesday, we’ll have Mike Allen, chief White House correspondent and “founding father” at Politico. Mike will share insight about political issues and the upcoming election. Author and entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan will wrap everything up Wednesday with her keynote on leadership.
Talk a bit about Nancy Yaf’s session, “Top 10 Trending Issues in California HR.” Can you give us a sneak peek on what to expect?
Nancy’s Yaf’s session is popular because HR practitioners are always looking for what’s new and trending in California law. We lead the way when it comes to employment updates; a lot of the country looks to California to see what we are doing. Attendees can expect to get tips on compliance, plus hear about the Fair Pay Act, Joint Employment and the latest on independent contractors, among other legal issues.
The Solutions Stage is new to this event. Can you give us some background on this programming?
We’re excited about this addition to our event. Solutions Stage is our way to provide quick solutions or strategies for solving HR and general leadership challenges.
What recommendations do you have to help first timers get the most from the show?
Welcome! They should come to the First Time Attendee Orientation that we’re holding Monday and Tuesday in Room 101B. They can meet some PIHRA volunteer leaders, ask questions, buddy up with people and get recommendations for learning sessions.
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