This guest post is by Janet McNichol, human resources director at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is passionate about health and wellness and blogs about her experience managing ASHA’s program at Inside Workplace Wellness. Connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter at @jmcnichol.
Guardian has provided our health insurance coverage since 2004. We have been happy with them, but we’re hearing rumors that they are getting out of the health insurance business and we certainly don’t want to be the last ones on a sinking ship. We worked with our broker, Mark Sager at Alliant, to put our health insurance out for bid this year.
A colleague, Karen Niles, had introduced some of us to the Kepner-Tregoe approach to decision making and we decided to use it in selecting a new health insurance carrier. The approach helps decision makers use weighted objectives to guide decision making, evaluate alternatives against objectives, and document recommendations by showing the structured thinking behind the decision.
In this case, the objective was pretty obvious : Choose a new insurance company to partner with and provide health insurance coverage to the ASHA staff and retirees. Mark brought us bids from three insurance companies to consider — United Health Care, Aetna, and Carefirst.
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