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What’s trending in education?

1 min read


SmartBrief education editors sift through online sources throughout the day, selecting top education news stories to share with educators on Twitter @SBEducation. Here’s a look at what connected educators are reading based on the top 10 most-clicked tweets from October.

  1. Teachable Moments . . . Taking Advantage of Challenges | Connected Principals
  2. Tweeting and teaching in the classroom | Kokomo Tribune
  3. Note-Taking with iPads | Edutopia
  4. Co-teaching: What teachers need from their administrators |SmartBlogs
  5. Four Tips to Keep Students on Track When Using Devices in Class | MindShift
  6. Rethinking High School | Education Next
  7. Teach with Your iPhone: Apps to Use in the Classroom | Edutopia
  8. Government shutdown may hurt colleges, public schools | Newsday
  9. What’s the Best Way to Measure School Climate? | Education Week
  10. Have you become the dress code police? | SmartBlogs