All Articles Leadership Announcing the winners of the SmartBrief holiday giveaway

Announcing the winners of the SmartBrief holiday giveaway

2 min read


Congratulations to the following winners of our SmartBrief holiday giveaway! Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest!

The winner of the written entry is Mari Whitney, who left this comment:

“One Christmas, our large family made the decision to only exchange gifts that we made, and we drew names, which were kept a secret. At one point in the evening, my 82 year old father got down on one knee, and sang “their song” to my mother, who was seated in a wheel chair, with absolute love in both of their eyes. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and today, they are both deceased. I wish someone had been able to record this memory so we could watch it every Christmas, because it was the best Christmas gift I ever saw given.”

The winner of the Twitter entry is Leah Ekmark, who left this winning tweet.

Winners, please e-mail Web Editor Doris Nhan at [email protected] with your contact information.

For more holiday cheer, check out our Gift Guides, a collection of more than 200 gift ideas for your friends, family, co-workers — and yourself.