Jeff Dunn, CEO of Bolthouse Farms and one of the newest members of the Produce Marketing Association Board of Directors, announced on Friday at Fresh Summit in New Orleans a new partnership in which Bolthouse Farms’ Chief Marketing Officer Tom Putman will lead a team of volunteers from PMA to build a marketing community within PMA.
Dunn encouraged attendees to share thoughts, case studies, experiences in things that have worked and haven’t worked, and most importantly, their stories, which can then be turned into powerful marketing vehicles to boost the produce industry.
“If we can start to distill down what we all know in our heads into a community of storytelling, we’ll find associations, we’ll find technology to bring those stories to life,” Dunn said.
Produce growers, shippers and businesses can go to and log in with their username password, then look for Dunn’s discussion titled “Creating Fruit and Veggie Passion!”
“I have never seen a bigger marketing opportunity than what exists today,” Dunn said. “We have a line in that video [shown at the presentation] that as our consumer gets healthier, our business gets healthier. This is the perfect alignment of business interest and social interest I have ever seen. So I invite you to become a part of that community.”
We spoke with Dunn in a one-on-one interview and tried to get a little more out of him on this partnership. Read the full interview.