This post was jointly authored by Terrance Barkan, CAE, chief strategist and business architect with GlobalStrat, and Ray van Hilst, director of client strategy and marketing at Vanguard Technology. Connect with Ray at @rvanhilst or rvanhilst at Connect with Terrance on LinkedIn or on Twitter at @TBarkan.
According to a recent study conducted by SOCIALSTRAT with more than 8,000 white collar professionals, traditional “Search” such as Google or Bing is used by 95% of web users for private and professional purposes. In fact, “Search” is by far the most common online behavior with increasing activity taking place within social media platforms – and that behavior is growing as social outposts such as Facebook partner with Bing and introduce new search tools including curated search.
What are people doing with the results they get?
86% of people share content by e-mail, with news articles and blog posts accounting for 53% of shared content. So despite rapid growth of social media platforms, traditional e-mail remains the preferred method of communication by professionals. (The SOCIALSTRAT survey also rated e-mail as a “Most Preferred” method of communication by 78% of respondents, followed by “Website” at 36% and “Electronic Newsletters” at 34%.)
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