SmartPulse — our weekly reader poll in SmartBrief on Restaurants — tracks feedback from restaurant owners and managers about current trends and issues.
Last week’s poll question: Do you participate in Restaurant Week?
- No — 55.41%
- Yes — 32.43%
- Sometimes — 12.16%
Here is a roundup of recent news on what has become called “Restaurant Week.”
- One cook in Des Moines offers restaurant patrons a code of conduct for Restaurant Week, including 1) Obey the menu and 2) Be understanding.
- Bastille, in Alexandria, Va., typically serves 1,000 guests during Restaurant Week, compared with 600 guests in a regular week.
- The Tampa Bay, Fla., area has two Restaurant Weeks.
- The past and future of Restaurant Week.
- Restaurant Week is likened to speed dating in one review in Houston.
- Restaurant Week in Ocean City, Md., was so successful that the hotels are launching the city’s first Hotel Week.
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