A collection of recent commentaries and analysis pieces …
Ali Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s minister of petroleum and mineral resources, writes in the Financial Times that his country will take measures to control rising oil prices: “We want to correct the myth that there is, or could be, a shortage. It is an irrational fear, a fear without basis.”
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg talks taxes in The Wall Street Journal: “I believe there is enough support in both parties and both houses to pass Simpson-Bowles. And the American people deserve to know, before the November election, where their representatives —- and the candidates for president —- stand on it.”
The Financial Times examines how traders have evolved in the face of market trends and regulatory reform: “Despite the doom and gloom, more considered and disciplined trading may not be an altogether bad thing for banks.”
The New York Times on the slow road to derivatives reform: “Unfortunately, in today’s political environment, even absurd arguments have the power to delay or derail vital reforms. Republican lawmakers, with some Democratic support, have proposed legislation to roll back the rules on open trading even before regulators have finalized them.”