All Articles Marketing Marketing Strategy Today's bonus tracks: Rethinking the rules

Today’s bonus tracks: Rethinking the rules

1 min read

Marketing Strategy

One upon a time, a panel of social media experts sat down and crafted a list of 16 rules for social media success. But that was in 2006– MySpace was all the rage, Facebook was still for kids and Twitter didn’t even exist yet. Truly, those were dark, dark times. Can anything written about social media all the way back then still have any relevance today? Adam Singer considers the original list, providing commentary for each rule. “As a whole they hold up well,” he writes. “While the packaging of social media may be in a constant state of flux the core rules of digital communication do not change as tools/trends change.” Whatever changes lie ahead for social media users, SmartBrief on Social Media will be there with a daily newsletter full of essential tips.