All Articles Marketing Brands & Campaigns Andy's top 5 word-of-mouth tips for restaurants

Andy’s top 5 word-of-mouth tips for restaurants

2 min read

Brands & Campaigns

  • Send them home with something. Send folks out of your restaurant with a unique doggy bag, a T-shirt, some dessert to share — anything that will help them tell the next people they see about you.
  • Offer a secret menu item. Offer a dish or special drink that only insiders know about. It will not only make them feel special, but will also give them something to share with their friends.
  • Put it on the wall. Put things on the wall that will encourage customers to bring their friends to show them. Try taking pictures of your best customers, having a “wall of fame,” or allowing them to use personalized mugs.
  • Host special events. Find key groups of talkers and invite them to meet in your restaurant. Try hosting a quarterly gathering for wedding planners, or hosting meetings for groups that come together frequently, such as the Boy Scouts.
  • Create a holiday. Whether you go all out for a traditional holiday or you create your own — bring people to your place for a celebration. White Castle came up with a great spin on Valentine’s Day by creating “Love Castle,” where folks are encouraged to make reservations and bring their significant others for a candlelit dinner.

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