All Articles Marketing Marketing Strategy Facebook and privacy: What's in it for me?

Facebook and privacy: What’s in it for me?

2 min read

Marketing Strategy

Facebook’s recent privacy push has been the center of debate for the past couple of weeks. And rightfully so. Mix some fairly sketchy practices, striking comments and a not-so-subtle revenue goal, and you’ve got yourself a bit of a controversy.

Despite our growing concerns, there remains a curiosity about what the future may bring if we are to give up more. As someone who has been victimized by identify theft, I consider myself fairly careful with very personal data. I also understand that oftentimes you have to give more to get more. But when it comes to Facebook, I have a tough time grasping what I’ll get if I provide more data about my life, my friends and my activities. I’m just disturbed that Facebook knows that I may be balding.

Sramana Mitra’s piece in Forbes brings us closer to what Facebook’s reality could look like via some smart acquisitions. Chances are, I’d be willing to divulge more if I could be the beneficiary of a robust and targeted job network. I’d also probably integrate a calendar on Facebook if I knew that I could plan smart, affordable travel and share that information with friends and family.

First things first, Facebook. Show me where the value lies, and I’ll show you more data.

Would added value make you more comfortable with sharing personal information?

Image credit, VisualField, via iStock