All Articles Marketing Social Media 10 essential elements of social media governance

10 essential elements of social media governance

2 min read

Social Media

In our personal lives, we talk about things like security and privacy all the time. Last week’s uproar on Facebook is only the latest example.

But most large enterprises seem to be missing the boat … by a nautical mile.

According to the Altimeter Group, “almost two-thirds of companies … say that social media is a significant or critical risk to their brand reputation.”

And Forrester Research tells us that 64% of large companies “have no social media policy in place, or if they do, they lack tools to sufficiently enforce and support the policy.”

Why is this?

In the rush for engagement, conversation and reach, critical issues that protect the integrity of the brand like security, risk and compliance can get left by the wayside.

Sprinklr works with some of the world’s largest, most social brands. Companies such as Dell, Samsung, Cisco, Hearst and Virgin America — among 100 others.

Based on our experience, we’ve assembled a list of the 22 Must Haves for a Secure Enterprise Social Media Deployment.

We’ve discovered that secure social media presences tend to have these 10 governance elements in common:

  1. Rules to flag unacceptable content
  2. A process for approving content
  3. Involvement from the legal team in setting down content guidelines
  4. An established procedure for handling escalation
  5. The means to track incidents until they’re resolved
  6. A procedure for handling any “rogue” social media accounts
  7. Single-point password control that goes across the entire enterprise
  8. Rules that limit the sharing of passwords
  9. Standards for managing access
  10. A set of social media guidelines

You can see the full list of 22 elements of secure enterprise social media deployment here, including security and compliance guidelines.

Feel free to let us know if you have questions or comments at or @sprinklr.

This post is by Jeremy Epstein, vice president of marketing at Sprinklr.