Good word-of-mouth marketers earn lots of fans, but the truly great ones are able to get them talking, sharing, tweeting, liking and promoting. This is where the tools, tactics and strategies come in.
There are an infinite number of ways to do this, but starting with a few fundamentals will give you a head start. What to do:
- Make it really easy. Use simple sharing tools that everyone knows how to use and put them all over your content. Both Twitter and Facebook offer dead-simple HTML you can put on your website — so why not put it on every page?
- Make it obvious. Sometimes fans need a reminder on how much their word-of-mouth means to you. A simple and polite request to ask them to share is sometimes all it takes to get those first critical conversations started.
- Make it worth it. Hitting “Like” on Facebook seems like a simple enough thing for your fans to do — but it still takes effort, and they’re already bombarded by a zillion other requests from similar brands. Get them forwarding, sharing and liking by giving them quick and obvious benefits — things like the opportunity to look smart (helpful tips and tricks), connected (insider information) or generous (discounts they can share).