All Articles Marketing Marketing Strategy FriendFeed - a primer

FriendFeed – a primer

1 min read

Marketing Strategy

FriendFeed is an online service that allows users to share photos, music, news, videos, and Web sites with their social network.

While users can manually post on FriendFeed, a unique component of the service is that it aggregates activity from sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pandora, Photobucket, Tumblr, and Twitter and alerts friends of that activity. For example, when I upload new photos to my Flickr account an update is sent out on FriendFeed saying “Dana published 5 photos on Flickr.”

FriendFeed can also act as a central location for blog, Twitter and social network activities.  In fact, there is a handy Facebook application that allows users to operate Friendfeed through Facebook. Ultimately, this makes Friendfeed a main hub for sending out updates and working with many social networking accounts.

FriendFeed currently supports user activity on 60 Web sites.

Photo Credit, Thomas Hawk