SmartPulse — our weekly reader poll in Smartbrief on Social Media — tracks feedback from leading marketers about social media practices and issues. Paul Chaney, Internet marketing director for Bizzuka and member of the SmartBrief on Social Media Advisory Board, helps create the questions and analyzes the results. We run the poll question each Wednesday in our e-newsletter and feature Paul’s analysis on this blog.
Last week’s poll question: What should you do when your boss wants to friend you on Facebook?
- Use Facebook permission features and filter the info they see, 60%
- Add them, 18%
- Do nothing. Ignore the request and hope it goes away, 13%
- Reject the request, 9%
“The saying goes, ‘discretion is the better part of valor.’ While it is good to be brave (i.e. allow your boss to friend you), it is wise to be careful (i.e. filter what he/she sees). However, I think the best course of action is never to post anything to Facebook (or any other social network for that matter) that you would be embarrassed for your mother to see. That is my modus operandi and it works pretty well, especially considering both my mother and my boss are friends on Facebook. That, to me, is the highest form of discretion.” –Paul Chaney