Cybersecurity is at the top of the agenda of nearly every board of directors meeting on Wall Street. As the threats evolve, so to do the countermeasures. Firms are deploying new methods to prevent cyberattacks and recover quickly when hackers penetrate defenses. Meanwhile, a big piece of the cybersecurity puzzle lies at the intersection of industry and government, where enhanced collaboration and information sharing are starting to produce positive results.
With the above landscape in mind, SmartBrief recently partnered with SIFMA and the Financial Services Roundtable to assemble a pair of panels to talk about the state of cybersecurity in financial services. The panels focused on cybersecurity public policies — those in place and others under consideration — and the best practices current practitioners have adopted to enhance the cybersecurity of their individual firms and the financial services industry as a whole.
Below you will find video highlights and a brief description of each panel. You may also scroll to the bottom of this post to view the full-length video of each panel as well as related posts and video highlights based on specific topics/questions.
Cybersecurity and Public Policy: The Road Ahead width:640 height:360
The interaction between the financial sector and policymakers has shifted dramatically over the past few years when it comes to cybersecurity. Greater collaboration has spurred legislative action, but key questions remain: How do current information-sharing proposals address liability concerns? What other policies are needed to protect customer information while ensuring the safe execution of necessary transactions? What are the cross-border ramifications of U.S. policies? What is the industry doing to work with policymakers and shape guidelines that keep pace with the ever-evolving challenges posed by cyber threats?
- Mark Clancy, CEO, Soltra – Managing Director, CISO Technology Risk Management, DTCC
- Chris Feeney, BITS President, Financial Services Roundtable (formerly Managing Director and Chief Information Officer, LPL Financial)
- Thomas Ferlazzo, Vice President, Operational Risk, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Karl
- Schimmeck, Managing Director, Financial Services Operations, SIFMA
Moderator: Sean McMahon, Senior Finance Editor, SmartBrief
From the Frontlines: The Practitioner’s Perspective on Cybersecurity width:640 height:360
Sound cybersecurity practices run the gamut from prevention to resiliency. As threats evolve, so do best practices related to preventing attacks. What are the greatest threats to financial services firms? What tools are experts in the field using to identify and negate internal and external threats? How can firms better respond to attacks and rapidly return to regular business operations?
- Al Berg, Chief Security and Risk Officer, Liquidnet Holdings Inc.
- Robert Cornish, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Security Officer, International Securities Exchange (ISE)
- Boaz Gelbord, Chief Information Security Officer, Bloomberg LP
- George Rettas, Managing Director and Chief of Staff, Global Information Security Department – Information Protection Directorate, Citigroup
Moderator: Sean McMahon, Senior Finance Editor, SmartBrief
Highlights of specific questions/topics
Information sharing
Information sharing was a hot topic on both panels at the SmartBrief Cybersecurity Forum. Panelists from both sessions weighed in with their thoughts on the progress that has been made with regard to information sharing within the financial services industry and how critical it has become in preventing attacks. width:640 height:360
Recruiting and organizing cybersecurity talent
Cybersecurity experts are a hot commodity these days. Financial firms are pulling out all the stops to recruit top talent. Our panel of experts shares their insights on how the identify and attract talent. They also weigh in on how the cybersecurity org chart should be structured. With CTOs, CIOs, CISOs, etc … who should report to whom? width:640 height:360
Related posts:
- Financial sector working to improve speed of cyberthreat info-sharing, experts say
- How to recruit and organize cybersecurity talent
- Experts: Cybersecurity collaboration between industry, government making progress
Full-length videos width:640 height:360 width:640 height:360