All Articles Food Vacation is on the calendar for most restaurant workers

Vacation is on the calendar for most restaurant workers

2 min read


Our weekly reader poll in Restaurant SmartBrief — SmartPulse –  tracks feedback from restaurant owners and managers about current trends and issues.

Last week’s poll question: Do you plan to take a vacation this summer?

45.83% — Yes, I plan to take a day here and there.
29.17% — Yes, I plan to get away from my restaurant for two weeks or more.
17.5% — No, I can’t leave my restaurant.
7.5% — I’m not sure yet.

Employees at all levels — including owners and CEOs — need to take a vacation to refresh, refocus and re-energize. Time away can have long-term positive benefits, including increased productivity and creativity.

Encourage your employees to take time off

  • Does summer business pick up or slow down? Hire accordingly to ensure that workers have enough to keep them busy but are not swamped.
  • Cross-train your employees to ensure that others can pick up the slack when their peers take off some time.
  • Some workers might be concerned about job security so reassure them that they will have a job when they return.
  • Consider allowing your employees to make the decision about how many days they would like to be away and think about offering paid vacation days if you don’t already.

You need some time off, too

  • A “working vacation” is not a vacation. Unplug from your smartphone and laptop if even just for a long weekend.
  • Create a contingency plan — that doesn’t include you — for while you’re away.
  • Be inspired by your surroundings and you might take away a few ideas that you can use at your restaurant.

Managers should check out SmartBrief on Workforce for the latest news on how to manage people effectively. SmartBrief on Your Career can help you get ahead in the workplace, make more connections and ultimately get that promotion.

What are your tips for getting away?