SmartPulse — our weekly reader poll in Smartbrief on Social Media — tracks feedback from leading marketers about social media practices and issues. Paul Chaney, Internet marketing director for Bizzuka and member of the SmartBrief on Social Media Advisory Board, helps create the questions and analyzes the results. We run the poll question each Wednesday in our e-newsletter and feature Paul’s analysis on this blog.
Last week’s SmartPulse question: Which number is higher on your Twitter account?
- People following me, 29%
- People I’m following, 27%
- I don’t use Twitter, 27%
- The two are about equal, 18%
“I’m surprised by the balance of percentages in the poll results. As for me, for a period of time I fell into the ‘equal’ category. My modus operandi where Twitter and other forms of social networking is concerned is as a ‘responder’ in that I tend to follow those who follow me first. Of late, however, I have more followers than those I follow, mostly out of my slothfulness in responding.” –Paul Chaney, Internet marketing director for Bizzuka
What factors need to be in play for you follow someone else?
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