All Articles Marketing Marketing Strategy What you'll need to get through 2010

What you’ll need to get through 2010

2 min read

Marketing Strategy

As I read Ken Mallon and Duncan Southgate’s predictions for the new year while putting together today’s SmartBrief on Social Media, I was really struck by this line: “Using new technology won’t in itself bring success; your digital communications still need to be creative, engaging and relevant.” It might sound obvious, but so many social media discussions get bogged down in the tools and the strategy that a newcomer to the scene could be forgiven for not realizing that this tech-centric medium actually rests on a bedrock of human relationships that were built one at a time.

Here, at the edge of 2009, I want you to take second to put aside the all the technology, the business-school lingo and the social media guru nonsense for a second and think about your fundamentals. Your social media chops don’t rely on having the right apps or having the perfect framework — they rest on natural talents you’ve always had and you’ve honed over time. They got you this far, but maybe you’ve forgotten about them lately and they got a little rusty.

I’ll give you an example. I think best on my feet. The best posts, the best conversations, the best work of any sort I’ve ever put in — it was all done quick and dirty, under pressure. The more enamored I become with different social platforms, the more I fuss and fidget, the more I tweak, the more I procrastinate. This year, I’m going to get back to doing things quickly and honestly. Because that’s how I connect best.

Think about your own work for second and ask yourself what skill you’re neglecting. Before you get excited by the next shiny bauble of 2010, remember to look back and make sure you’ve brought everything you need with you.

How are you going back to basics in 2010?

Image credit, BP2U, via iStock