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Andy’s Answers: How Nokia explores new ideas in social media

1 min read

Social Media

Almost every day we see talented, creative individuals do amazing things in social media. With so much yet to discover, the brands that do the most testing and exploring are continually the ones who lead the way.

In her recent BlogWell presentation, Molly Schonthal explained how Nokia has created a culture that embraces social-media exploration. A few big takeaways from her discussion:

  • Test in your own sandbox first. Nokia has extensive internal social-media tools and channels that allow it to test new platforms and types of content before taking them to the outside world.
  • Make it easy to learn and share ideas. Nokia’s Digital Ambitions Program is an extensive training and collaboration resource for employees. The program offers job rotations for digital talent, sharing of best practices, and training for senior leadership.
  • Create a syndication ecosystem. Schonthal says that simply having a way for existing content to reach new audiences on new platforms can lead to discoveries in what drives social-media engagement.

If you like this presentation, be sure to check out our upcoming BlogWell in Chicago on Aug. 11.