True word-of-mouth marketers share a few common characteristics. Beyond being brilliant, charming, and having suspiciously good looks, they’re also honest, know the difference between advertising and word of mouth, and are out to earn love. If you’re looking to become a true WOM marketer – or to hire one – keep these character traits in mind.
What to look for:
- They believe in honesty over impressions. Nothing stops a great conversation like some sloppy ethics and shady tactics. True WOM marketers know that honesty is more valuable than impressions.
- They’re embarrassed to pay for it. Advertising is the price of being boring, and a true word-of-mouth marketer blushes any time they admit this by paying to interrupt people.
- They know marketing starts with love. One heart is worth a thousand eyeballs. A great word-of-mouth marketer knows it’s not about blasting everyone you can – it’s about earning the type of fans that will drag in their friends, insisting they check out your stuff.